Congressman Dr. Kiko Benitez Files COC

Madamo ang napatigayon ni Congressman Dr. Kiko Benitez nga mga laye kag proyekto para sa Ikatlo nga Distrito sulod sa duha pa lang ka tuig. He authored/co-authored over of 275 bills that promote a new paradigm of development, anchored on digital literacy, human settlements, environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and innovation and creativity enabled by digital technology – which Cong. Dr. Kiko calls “Smart Asenso“. He brought infrastructure projects worth billions of pesos; worked hard to increase the capacity of our local health system to control the spread of COVID; provided assistance to families and individuals affected by the pandemic. Pero malip-ot ang duha ka tuig para matigayonan ang tanan nga aton handum para sa Smart Asenso. That is why yesterday afternoon, Congressman Dr. Kiko Benitez filed his COC to seek a 2nd term as Representative of the Third District of Negros Occidental.